Kundru pithau bhaja- kundry fry.

It is an authentic Oriya recipe.My mom used to cook it in summer because it was a seasoned vegetable when I was a child .Now-a-days 365 days it is available in Chennai where I reside now  ,in rest of the country still it is a seasoned vegetable .Let's go to the recipe..
Ingredients :Kundri-20-30 pieces ,rice powder-2 tablespoon,turmeric powder-1/2 teaspoon ,red chili powder-1 teaspoon, curry powder-2 teaspoon ,salt to taste ,oil to fry ,water 1 cup.  

Preparations: Cut the Kundri into two pieces.Boil water ,add turmeric and salt to taste .Add kundri and let it boil till it is tender .Drain the extra water .Add rice powder ,red chili powder,curry powder ,pinch of salt and mix properly .Heat oil in a pan and fry the kundri till crispy.Serve hot with rice and dal ..