Onion tomato red chutney.

South indian breakfast is never complete with some special chutneys and red chutney is one of famous one among it.It is the easiest chutney which can be made in no time and very very tasty.When tomato and onion taste mingles with each other the flavor comes out perfectly .So here goes the recipe of this famous chutney.

Preparation time : 5 minutes
Cooking time : 10 minutes
serves for 20 idlis

Tomato - 4 big sized
onion - 2 big sized
curry leaves - 20 to 30
mustard seeds - 2 tsp
oil - 2 tbsp
kashmiri red chili powder - 2 tsp
salt to taste
water - 1/4 cup

Method of Preparations:
1.Roughly cut tomato and onions.
2.Grind tomato and onion into a smooth paste.
3.Heat oil in a pan , add mustard seeds to splutter , curry leaves .
4.Add onion tomato paste , red chili powder and salt to taste and cook for 10 minutes by adding 1/4 cup water.\
5.Remove from heat , let it cool .Serve with idli or dosa.